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Some marine invertebrates, such as the sea urchin and the starfish, migrates from deep water to shallow during spring and early summer to spawn
The Appalachian Mountains formation a natural barrier between the eastern seaboard and the vast lowlands of the continental interior of North America.
The fact that white light is light composed of various wavelengths may be demonstrating by dispersing a beam of such light through a prism.
The Western world is beset with the range of problem that characterize mature, postindustrial societies.
A few and the 50 stamps that my sister had were either for sale or trade.
The system of chemical symbols, first devised about 1800, gives a concise and instantly recognizable description of a element or compound
Poems vary in length from brief lyric poems to narrative or epic poems, which can be as broad in scope than a novel.
Philosophy is the study of the nature of reality, knowledge, existent, and ethics by means of rational inquiry.
Marshes, wetland areas characterized by plant grassy growth, are distinguished from swamps, wetlands where trees grown.
Hard and resistant to corrosion, bronze is traditionally used in bell casting and is the material used widely most for metal sculpture.
Kangaroos use their long and powerful tails for balance themselves when sitting upright or jumping.
Most traditional dances are made up of a prearranged series of steps and movements, but modern dancers are generally free to move as they choice.
In the United States during the Second World War, each trade unions and employers avoided federal limits on wages by offering employees nontaxable medical benefits.
When used as food additives, antioxidants prevent fats and oils from become rancid when exposed to air, and thus extend their shelf life.
Proper city planning provides for the distribution of public utilities, public buildings, parks, and recreation centers, and for adequate and the inexpensive housing.
A variation of collodion photography was the tintype, which captured images on a black or dark brown metal plate instead from on glass.
Copper was the first metallic used by humans and is second only to iron in its utility through the ages.
Over the course of history, much civilizations developed their own number systems.
The population of California more than doubled during the period 1940-1960, creating problems in road-building and provide water for its arid southern section.
Despite the fact that lemurs are general nocturnal, the ring-tailed lemur travels by day in bands of four to twelve individuals.
The United States census for 1970 showed that the French-speaking residents of Louisiana were one of the country’s most compact regional linguistic minority.
Wampum, beads used as a form of exchange by some Native Americans, was made of bits of sea shells cut, drill, and strung into belts.
In cases of minor injury to the brain. Amnesia is likely to be a temporarily condition.
Acrylic paints are either applied using a knife or diluted and spreading with a paintbrush.
Although based it on feudal models, the colony of Pennsylvania developed a reputation for a progressive political and social outlook.
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