Latihan Structure & Pembahasan 3 Leave a Comment / By toeflgratis / April 4, 2023 Ini adalah kumpulan latihan soal structure, silahkan memilih jawaban yang menurutmu paling tepat. Kamu akan langsung tau apakah pilihanmu benar atau salah, jika kamu memilih jawabn yang benar, sistem akan menampilkan pembahasan soalnya.Selamat mengerjakan 1. Although the almost-continual crisis of the civilian war agencies, the American economy expanded at an unprecedented rate between 1941 and 1945. Although war agencies unprecedented and None 2. Because the moon's gravitational, it causes the rise and fall of ocean tides. Because gravitational fall tides None 3. In spite of gases move from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas, it causes the wind to blow around us. In spite of from wind around None 4. The students were talking during the teacher was explaining the activity. students during explaining activity None 5. Teachers should encourage students to consider carefully despite they choose the major for the university. encourage carefully despite for None 6. The programmer did not realize that there were so much mistakes in the coding he had written. did not so much None 7. The amount of packages that is not properly wrapped have to be returned to the sender The amount is not have to returned None 8. The fewest water that has to be consumed by humans is 2 liters in a day. The fewest has humans is None 9. Much of students take part each year for the school festival. Much take each for None 10. A little minutes ago, the flight to Tokyo departed from Changi Airport. A little ago to from None 11. Margaret Thatcher did a history for the longest-serving British prime minister of the 20th century and the first woman to hold that office. did longest-serving of hold None 12. That was the almost beautiful dress that I have ever had. was almost dress have None 13. He has watched the movie double but is still crying for the ending. watched double is crying None 14. The first performer performed a solo guitar afterwards she sang a sad song. performed solo guitar afterwards sang None 15. They spent near one billion on a mansion that is located in Verona. spent near on that None 16. First working as a reporter and war correspondent, Hemingway later became a famous short-story writer and novelistic. a reporter war correspondent short-story novelistic None 17. After graduation, she plans on travel to exotic locations, dining in the finest restaurants, and applying for a scholarship. graduation on travel the finest a scholarship. None 18. You can choose either a short-term program nor a long-term program for your study abroad. a short-term nor for study abroad. None 19. Both ligament injuries or bone fractures are common injuries that are prone to occur in athletes. or common prone in None 20. She is not only an employer and a successful business woman. is not and woman None Time's up
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