TOEFL Gratis
Ini adalah kumpulan latihan soal structure, silahkan memilih jawaban yang menurutmu paling tepat. Kamu akan langsung tau apakah pilihanmu benar atau salah, jika kamu memilih jawabn yang benar, sistem akan menampilkan pembahasan soalnya.
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Someone will get infected by the virus _______________ to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
You can drive a car ________ you want after you have a driving licence.
___________ a DNA is replicated, the cell is divided into two cells that each DNA has an identical copy of the original DNA.
The pheromone trail helps worker ants return to their nest __________ they go out in search of food.
_________________ seems, it is wise to explain the mistakes and suggest the improvements to the employees.
___________ the Sherlock Holmes first series, Conan Doyle quickly became bored with his creation.
___________ that Spain had funded Columbus’s voyages, Spain’s claim to his discoveries was not definite.
____________, different styles of music emphasize particular aspects of its structure.
Each day, 6,000 children die ____ water-related diseases.
An unhealthy diet is an increasing problem in the developed world __________ containing high fat and sugar content.
This morning’s flight was delayed _______ bad weather.
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